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I work in person or online. In person sessions are held at my therapy room at 30 College Road, Cork. Online sessions via Zoom. 

Initial consultation
The initial consultation lasts 50 minutes and is an opportunity for us to mutually determine if we might work well together. We can discuss what is going on for you and I can answer any questions you might have. We can also decide whether weekly or twice-weekly sessions are the best way forward, based on your needs. Most people will start with weekly sessions (psychoanalytic psychotherapy) and may increase to twice weekly (psychoanalysis) if they wish to engage in more intensive work. Please note that there is no obligation to continue if you decide after the initial consultation that I am not the right therapist for you. Likewise, if I feel that another type of therapy would be better suited to your needs, I will offer advice and if possible a referral to another psychotherapist or mental health service.

About psychoanalytic psychotherapy (minimum once-weekly sessions)
Psychoanalytic psychotherapy is a type of depth psychology based on the work of Swiss psychiatrist CG Jung. In weekly sessions, we explore any symptoms, feelings, or life problems that are causing distress or suffering. By understanding the meaning of the symptom and shedding light on unconscious patterns of behaviour, we can explore ways to change those patterns and restore a sense of agency, meaning and creative flow to life. As part of this work, we might explore childhood experiences, current relationships, dreams, fantasies, fears, future plans, physical and emotional symptoms, etc. This work is suitable for those suffering from depression, anxiety, trauma, relationship difficulties, personality disorders, addiction and substance abuse issues, spiritual crisis, difficulty adapting to a new life circumstance, or a feeling of stuckness or meaninglessness in life. 

About Jungian psychoanalysis (minimum twice-weekly sessions)

Jungian psychoanalysis works a bit differently than counselling and psychotherapy since it means going deeper into the psyche over a longer period, with the aim of deep healing, transformation and maturing of the personality. By attending a minimum of twice weekly sessions, there is time to go beyond the issues of daily life and allow material to emerge from the unconscious through dreamwork, painting, active imagination, sandplay, BodyDreaming, etc. By engaging in this encounter with the unconscious, the analysand can develop a relationship with the Self, the deeper wiser part of the psyche, gain a greater sense of acceptance of self and others, and develop their creative impulses. Those who engage in this work are not necessarily suffering from mental health difficulties but may simply want to increase consciousness and intensity of life experience through a process of mindful individuation and/or spiritual development.

About sandplay therapy (weekly sessions, adults only)
Sandplay therapy was originally developed by Dora Kalff for therapy work with children, but has since been developed as a trauma therapy for adults. In sandplay therapy, the patient creates an image in a sandtray and thus activates the symbolic, healing functioning of the psyche. When a person has experienced preverbal trauma or has dissociated from difficult experiences, talk therapy alone is often not sufficient to restore wholeness to the fragmented psyche. By allowing the hands (rather than the head) to express in the sand, the patient can symbolise non-verbal and traumatic experiences, and find a way to engage the psyche's natural healing function. This work is suitable for those suffering from trauma, PTSD, depression, anxiety, or creative blocks. It can be combined with psychoanalytic psychotherapy or psychoanalysis or can be done as a standalone process. 


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©2020 by Róisín Tangney

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